KehlCo, Inc. Scientific Visualization Systems
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VoxelCalc Plus[Description Contents]

VoxelCalc is KehlCo's premier product for calculations, analysis and display in a single package:

Arbitrary Slicing and Measurement
Displays all scan slices and axial slices. Also, it produces tabular cross-sectional statistics for display and export to spreadsheet files. As many slices as desired may be displayed in cross-sectional or axial. Axial slice displays are controllable for aspect ratio, display range, statistical range through XWidgets with results immediately displayed. The capability to perform oblique slicing and rendering is also provided. Measurements may be determined in orthogonal planes - saggital, coronal, etc.
Axial Slice Alignment
When multiple slices are scanned at the same axial position, the object is often not aligned due to remounting on the scan table or, in multiple modality situations, alignment becomes necessary. This tool aligns both slices and entire volumes by translation of slices taken at the same table positions. Sequences of slices are aligned by linear proportioning of the corrections at the extremes of table position.
Morphology of scanned objects can be examined through the use of filters on slices/volumes. Filters available are: Erode/Dilate, Boxcar average, Hilbert, Edge Enhancement (Roberts, Sobel), Unsharp, and others.
CT Beam Hardening Adjustment
Beam hardening artifacts are adjusted from slices through a scan of a homogeneous phantom whose CT values are near the CT number of materials within the sample to be scanned. The adjustment is computed for each pixel in each slice.
General Computational Capabilities
Computations may be performed on any numerical object - scalar, vector, 2-D, 3-D. Operations which are performed by a mouse click on the hand-held calculator metaphor include, but are not limited to: +, -, x, /, Exp, Log, Ln, x^y, x^2, Sqrt, sign +/-, Invert, Abs. The calculator has 10 registers for temporary storage in nested computational sequences. Such computations as two phase saturation - (CT1-CT2)/(CT2-CT3) can be accomplished by computing the denominator, saving it in one register, computing the numerator, and then performing the division. This can be done without regard for whether the symbols represent constants, slices or entire volumes.
Data Exploration, Statistics and Analysis
Image Statistics are computed and displayed for every operand or graphics object entered into the system - a histogram and color coded legend of the display is shown upon every load and or operation that changes the internal data. A statistics tool displays selected slices, their profiles across any line, row, or column, the value and location of any selected point, or a table of a selected region may be displayed with the values depicted in the same color as the pixels in the region of interest.
Cross-plots may be made between any two data sets (slices or volumes).
Volumes and Slices of Interest
  • Region of Interest (ROI): for slices and/or volumes are interactively defined by using various shapes as masks including circle, polygon, rectangle. These shapes are used to extract volumes of interest by projecting them along the axis perpendicular to the scan plane. Areas outside the ROI may be optionally filled with a background value.
  • Volume Composition: Slices may be gathered in any order from any collection of image files containing slices of consistent dimensions. Thus data file organization does not restrict the order of slices nor is there a restriction on placement of an image file in a single directory.
  • Read Under ROI Mask: Data may be read so that only the data within the region of interest is input. This increases speed, saves memory space and eliminates useless background areas.
  • General Display Capabilities
    Both 2-D and 3-D rendering may be performed including isosurface of slice and volume. Aspect ratios of volumes may also be changed to reflect true dimensions of 3-D objects.
    Special calculations, displays and data formats are available as options. VoxelCalc is guaranteed to read your data when the MaxAccess option is included.

    MaxAccess[Description Contents]
    MaxAccess provides access to foreign data. It provides access to virtually all forms of slice-oriented data, such as CAT scan, SEM, MRI, and digital scanners of many types. The user develops, through mouse interaction and experimentation, a specification to read new data types.

    PetroPresents[Description Contents]
    PetroPresents is a collection of software and optional hardware for interactive 3-D color volume visualization. For the user who must produce high resolution graphics for presentations which are clear and persuasive. The features are too numerous to detail here, but output graphic samples are shown on KehlCo color brochures and they include object-oriented network definitions such as:

    Quick Viewer[Description Contents]
    Quick Viewer is an image viewing tool allowing access to standard and user-defined (MaxAccess Catalogued) image formats, including DICOM 3. CT, radiograph, MRI and other modalites are handled. Basic statistics are presented and images may be saved to standard data formats.

    Image Manager[Description Contents]
    The Disk Data Manager allows the image analyst to perform some limited Unix file manipulations without being well versed in the operating system.

    DICOM[Description Contents]
    DICOM is KehlCo's collection of configurable programs which provide a cusomized interface to images whose format conforms to the DICOM/Nema standard.
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